
Strategic Process Cost Management & Optimization

Research shows that cloud costs often are higher than expected, often due to poor collaboration or lack of visibility. Take part in this study to compare your strategic collaboration and cost optimization approach with your peers.

#1. Which, if any of the following pain points, is your organization currently experiencing? (select all that apply)

#2. Which, if any, of the following are application or process modernization priorities for your area of responsibility? (select all that apply)

#3. How would you describe the role of cloud services in your modernization or optimization initiatives? (Select one)

#4. Which, if any, of the following applications do you plan to migrate to the cloud OR switch from one cloud to another in the next 12 months? (select all that apply)

Migrate to cloud Switch clouds Already in cloud


Fleet or asset management

Inventory or Production Management

Legacy apps



SFA or sales management

Other, please specify

#5. Which, if any, of the following applications are either struggling to migrate to the cloud or keep up with user demand (select all that apply)

#6. Which providers are part of your organization’s current cloud array in your area of responsibility? (select all that apply)

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