Using DevOps:

Breaking Down Deployment Barriers with DevOps

Research shows that a growing number of organizations are adopting DevOps. This is because DevOps helps organizations to streamline their software delivery lifecycle and to be able to deliver better software faster.

Faster time to market, higher quality software, reduced cycle times, and bringing value to customers are some of the many challenges DevOps helps businesses solve.



Here are 6 ways that DevOps adoption can benefit your organization.

1. Improved interoperability among the teams

DevOps adoption results in breaking down of the silos in which the development and business operations teams traditionally operate in. It improves the interaction between the different teams, promotes interoperability and results in a culture of transparency that stems from the collaboration between the different team members.

2. Faster software development cycle

The biggest advantage of DevOps adoption to the business is the incorporation of agility. The software development cycles are shortened resulting in an enhanced ability for incorporating changes.

3. Continuous releases and deployments

Following the continuous integration and continuous delivery approach of DevOps, the actual deployment of the software speeds up considerably. The development process consists of shorter development cycles resulting in faster release of the code into production.

4. Improved customer experience and consumer satisfaction

When the development is better and takes place at a faster rate, customer satisfaction naturally peaks. DevOps teams can better serve the customers, incorporate the customer feedback in the future product iterations faster, leading to increased customer satisfaction.

5. Increased productivity as a result of streamlined business processes

he traditional waterfall method of software development involved handoffs of the software from one team to another. This increased the chances of error and slowed down the development process. The advantage with DevOps is that the collaboration among the different teams streamlines the business process. Real-time changes to the code can be incorporated and issues and opportunities can be identified at an earlier stage.

6. Fostering innovation within the organization

DevOps results in streamlining of processes, more efficient releases, and ensures quality builds. As the deployment phases are more relaxed, the teams are better rested, and there is immense scope for bringing an innovative approach for resolving issues.

Businesses like Li9 Technology Solutions offer services and expertise that can help companies move to a modern DevOps environment.

In addition to DevOps consulting, Li9 designs and implements a highly available GitLab environment that provides customers with the ability to collaboratively plan, build, secure, and deploy software as a complete DevOps Solution. Li9 can deploy GitLab on Public or Private clouds. Azure/GKE/AWS/Vmware infrastructures are supported platformsTo learn more about these solutions and how to optimize your DevOps environment, simply fill out the form below to schedule a time to speak with a DevOps solutions expert. 

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