Even though they are tempting and cost-effective, B2B marketers have found consumer-oriented social networks, like Facebook, ineffective when it comes to accurately targeting “business” people. However, times are-a-changing.
Not only have these social networks stepped up their game with regard to advertising tools and options, but they are also integrating with audience platforms that allow marketers to carve out exactly who they want to reach. Pair this with the fact that according to HubSpot’s 2024 State of Sales report, 75% of salespeople use Facebook to discover new prospects, compared to only 43% using LinkedIn, it’s time to explore how to leverage Facebook, Twitter and other non-B2B platforms to your advantage. It boils down to using the right strategy and tech to harness the largest social network of roughly 3 billion users to build your B2B pipeline.
In this BeTechly Discovery Event replay, learn from Kneko Burney Miller, founder and CEO of Change3, a leading B2B marketing agency, how to build targeted B2B audiences and then engage them on various platforms like Facebook using new marketing tech. Get a walk-through of how to build your audience, how to integrate it into Facebook (and other platforms) and what to build into your strategy as it relates to building and managing a B2B audience.
Plus, join the benchmark study on "The Role of Tech in Marketing & Sales" for more insight (and possibly qualify for a reward, terms and conditions apply). Click here to take the survey.
What You'll Discover At This Event
As the CEO & Chief Creative of Change3, Kneko shares insight, knowledge and experience gained from serving clients in telecom, technology and B2B for three decades. She has personally researched the business buying process for the span of her career and crafted, analyzed or managed hundreds of market research studies with tens of thousands of decision-makers around the world during that time.
Learn from leading experts in the tech world via our quick, data-driven live webinar discussions. For each hot tech topic, we ask 3 must-know questions to the event’s featured expert(s), as well as interlace the discussion with current statistics and market data. In 30 – 45 min, you’ll get fully immersed in the essential business tech topics that matter to influencers and decision-makers across your business. Stay for the full duration to ask your questions at the end, as well as take part in the Peer Poll to get real-time data to which to compare your current plans and priorities. Join an upcoming event today.